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Fuji Spray XPC-Model Aircap Set (1.4mm)

Fuji Spray XPC-Model Aircap Set (1.4mm)

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No. 4 (Part 8050-4) 1.4mm (.055") MEDIUM OUTPUT - STANDARD

Similar to No. 3 but more coverage. Best for AUTOMOTIVE ENAMELS,
NITROCELLULOSE LACQUER and LATEX for a finer finish. Also ideal for

#4 - This is the best size for most products that can be sprayed. The #4 measures 1.4mm (.055in) and this is our standard aircap set that is installed in every new Fuji spraygun. Best for nitrocellulose lacquers, oil-based paints, varnishes and even latex house paint (fine-finishing applications only see larger sizes). Please note* these parts will not fit the older Fuji Model SC-1. For the SC-1 spraygun, 


The fluid nozzle 6082 and needle 8020 MUST always match exactly. Size No.4 is standard with all Fuji sprayguns. No. 3 or No. 4 can be used for
any type of fine-finishing application. The difference between the two is that the #4 allows for more fluid output. This is desirable when spraying fast drying lacquers. It allows you to spray faster and wetter to obtain better leveling of the finish. 4 additional setups are available as accessories. Generally speaking, the quality of atomization and finish reduces as you go to the larger size setups (No.5 and 6).


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