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Graco 17J858 #10 High Performance Nozzle for 1 or 1.25 in. Blast Hose
Graco 17J858 #10 High Performance Nozzle for 1 or 1.25 in. Blast Hose

Graco 17J858 #10 High Performance Nozzle for 1 or 1.25 in. Blast Hose

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Vapor Abrasive Blast Systems and Accessories

* High performance nozzles require 100 psi (7 bar, 0.7 MPa) or more air pressure at nozzle.

Available in the following standard and high performance sizes:
7, 8, 10, 12, 6 HP, 7 HP, 8 HP, 10 HP

Part 17J858
Length  12.0 in.
Thread Size 50 mm Contractor Thread
(2 in. 4-1/2 UNC-2A)


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