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Graco 206995 Throat Seal Liquid Fluid - Qty1 - 1 Qt.
Graco 206995 Throat Seal Liquid Fluid - Qty1 - 1 Qt.

Graco 206995 Throat Seal Liquid Fluid - Qty1 - 1 Qt.

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Product Description

Throat Seal Liquid (TSL) prevents paint and coatings from drying onto the displacement rod and packings, extending the life of the pump. Maintaining your pump is essential for long life and reliability.

One of the most important sprayer components is the pump. TSL is specifically formulated to protect the piston and packing from corrosion and drying out keeping your sprayer functioning as designed. They extend pump life and assure they are ready to use when you need them. 

From the Manufacturer
Graco - The Brand Preferred by Pros. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a serious DIY enthusiast, a handyman or remodeling contractor, or a painting professional, Graco makes the ideal airless spraying equipment to meet your needs. Whether you are just starting out or moving up, choose the Magnum or Graco model to help you handle your job with ease. No matter what you're painting—entire homes, rooms, decks or fences—Graco has you covered!


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