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Graco 222243 Portable Drum Cart 120lb

Graco 222243 Portable Drum Cart 120lb

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  1. Insert the axle (7) through the bushings of the cart frame (1) and install two of the four retaining rings (9) supplied in the axle grooves. See the parts drawing, above.
  2. Install a wheel (10), washer (8), and retaining ring (9) on each end of the axle, as shown.
  3. Insert the tube caps (11). Attach the handle (4) to the frame using the screws (3), washers (5) and locknuts (6).
  4. Attach the drum shelf (2) to the frame using the brackets (13), screws (12), washers (5), and locknuts (6).

NOTE: This cart will mount 120 lb grease drum Fire-Ball pumps, using 222061 Hold Down Kit and 222060 Drum Cover (must be ordered separately).


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