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Graco 4-Finger Silver Gun with Tip Guard/Tip - 4,500 psi (310 bar) x 3/8 NPT(f) Inlet

Graco 4-Finger Silver Gun with Tip Guard/Tip - 4,500 psi (310 bar) x 3/8 NPT(f) Inlet

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Ideal for undercoating and rust-proofing application in medium-sized shops, municipal garages and higher-volume in-plant applications.

  • Up to 18,000 psi (1,242 bar)
  • Must order 155570 adapter and 239663 straight swivel to accommodate gun to 1/4 in (mbe) hose.


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4-Finger4500 PSIall other productsbf2023canadaGun Onlynomapnot canadapaintsprayerpmax ad undercoating and rust proofingprisyncRAC V 517ROAS 3Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabled