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Graco Extension Heavy Duty Extension 40 in
Graco Extension Heavy Duty Extension 40 in

Graco Extension Heavy Duty Extension 40 in

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Easily spray or roll those hard-to-reach areas such as ceilings, soffits, high walls, overhangs and decks. Attaches to the Pressure Roller Kit to provide 60 inches of extended rolling reach.

Connect directly to Magnum or Graco spray guns (7/8 in thread) for extended-reach spraying or pressure rolling.

For Use With:

  • Project Painter Plus, X5, X7, ProX17 Stand, ProX17 Cart, ProX19 Stand, ProX19 Cart, ProX21 Stand, ProX21 Cart


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40 in.all other productsbf2023canadagracoHeavy DutyLeadTime2weekslowmarginMagnum Extensionnogooglenomappaintsprayerprisyncprisynctoadd100324ROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200