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Graco GH 933ES 7250 PSI @ 2.5 GPM Big Rig Gas Hydraulic Sprayer, Big 250 System - Cart

Graco GH 933ES 7250 PSI @ 2.5 GPM Big Rig Gas Hydraulic Sprayer, Big 250 System - Cart

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The most powerful hydraulic sprayer in the industry. For 30 years, contractors have turned to the GH line of gas hydraulic sprayers when they needed maximum performance and unmatched versatility. The tradition continues with the all-new line of GH Big Rig sprayers. Equipped with exclusive QuikChange Lowers, each Big Rig sprayer can easily be customized for each coating, eliminating the need to purchase additional rigs.

  • Heavy-Duty Graco Hydraulic System with faster, more responsive changeover and high-precision pressure control.

  • Heavy-Duty Cooling System with large 4-gallon reservoir and durable hydraulic filter extends life.

  • Exclusive Xtreme™ Pump includes QuikChange pump section with long life XtremeSeal™ and leather packings.

  • QuikAccess intake valve removes easily for fast repairs.

  • Honda Power - 390 cc to deliver maximum performance.

  • Includes: GH 933ES with Electric Start, 200 ft of 3/4 in Hose, 50 ft of 1/2 in Hose,10 ft x 3/8 in Whip Hose, XTR-7 Gun, 18 in Tip Extension, 180° Tip Swivel, XHD 519, 531 Tips and all fittings


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.0531 Gun13HP7250 PSI9.5 GPMaodd discountBig RigCartElectric StartGasHonda Enginelowmarginmap pricemap priced itemnot canadapaintsprayerpmax ad electric airless paint sprayersROAS 4Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabled