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Graco Husky 1050HP - 50 GPM - High Pressure Air-Operated Diaphragm Pump Aluminum Standard Air Valve w/Buna Seals Centre Section, Aluminium Fluid Section, and Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT).

Graco Husky 1050HP - 50 GPM - High Pressure Air-Operated Diaphragm Pump Aluminum Standard Air Valve w/Buna Seals Centre Section, Aluminium Fluid Section, and Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT).

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Product Description

The 24W757 is part of the Husky 1050HP series, and features a 1 Inch, 50 gpm, high pressure (25mm, 189 lpm) pump inlet /outlet, Aluminum Standard Air Valve w/Buna Seals centre section, Aluminium fluid section, and Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT).

This 24W757 Graco Husky pump also comes with 316 Stainless Steel seats, Santoprene balls, Santoprene diaphragms, and PTFE manifold O-Rings.

  • Increased fluid pressure without sacrificing flow
  • Low-high pressure mode valve lets you operate the pump as a standard AODD or a high pressure AODD
  • Reduce air consumption up to 50% with the low pressure mode
  • Same repair parts as the Husky 1050 diaphragm pump
Pump Size: 1 Inch, 50 gpm, high pressure (25mm, 189 lpm)
Fluid Section: Aluminum
Centre Section: Aluminum Standard Air Valve w/Buna Seals
Porting: Aluminum Standard Porting (NPT) 

Seat Material: 316 Stainless Steel
Ball Material: Santoprene 
Diaphragm Material: Santoprene
Manifold O-Rings: PTFE


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1 in.250 PSI50 GPMAir OperatedAir PoweredAluminium BodyATEX Certifiedbf2023BOnoETAdiaphragmpumpnomapnot canadapmax ad diaphragm pumpsprisyncROAS 3Santoprene BallsSantoprene Diaphspo-defaultspo-disabledSS 316 Seats