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Graco Husky 205 - 5 GPM - Acetal Pump, Polypropylene Center Section, Acetal Balls & PTFE Diaphragm

Graco Husky 205 - 5 GPM - Acetal Pump, Polypropylene Center Section, Acetal Balls & PTFE Diaphragm

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Our Husky air-operated double diaphragm pumps are loaded with features to help you get the job done right, every time, and are built to save you money.

The Husky 205 air-operated diaphragm pump features spring check valves for superior priming in any mounting configuration.

  • True-formed PTFE and Santoprene diaphragms for enhanced performance
  • Spring loaded checks allow the diaphragm pump to work in any orientation
  • Inlet and Outlet are interchangeable
  • Remote control option using an external controller
  • 1/4-in (6.35 mm) end-porting double diaphragm pump


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1/4 in.100 PSI320 CPM5 GPMAcetal BallsAcetal BodyAir OperatedAir Poweredbf2023canadaCE Certifieddiaphragmpumplowmarginnomapnot canadapmax ad diaphragm pumpsPolypropylene SeatsprisyncPTFE DiaphROAS 6.6Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabled