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Grizzly G9860 - 12" x 80" Jointer

Grizzly G9860 - 12" x 80" Jointer

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G9860 12" x 80" Jointer

Advanced industrial features packed in a professional jointer.

If you're looking to spend a little more on a high-end jointer, you'll certainly get your money's worth with the G9860 12" x 80" Jointer.

This professional jointer is loaded with industrial features, such as parallelogram table adjustment, twin V-belt drive and a heavy-duty cast-iron base with noise dampening system.

For the ultimate in precise table height adjustments, the close tolerance, precision-ground cast-iron infeed and outfeed tables are effortlessly adjusted through the handwheel controls.

This machine's massive weight of nearly 1200 pounds of solid cast-iron construction guarantees stable operation and a lifetime of satisfaction.

And remember, a jointer this size can save additional time and money by transforming unusable "cupped" lumber into perfectly flat stock.

The H7319 replacement HSS blades are available when the stock blades get dull. HSS (high-speed steel) has been heat treated for hardness and wear resistance, which keeps a sharp edge longer than other carbon steels.

The G9860 manual was written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information. The complete-and-easy to read manual makes it easier to assemble and maintain your jointer.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based. Parts for the jointer may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory


  • Motor: 3 HP, 220V, single-phase, 16A
  • Maximum width of cut: 11-13/16"
  • Maximum depth of cut: 5/16"
  • Cutterhead diameter: 4"
  • Cutterhead type: 4-knife
  • Knife size: 12" x 13/16" x 1/8"
  • Cutterhead speed: 5900 RPM
  • Table size: 12-1/2" x 80"
  • Fence size: 39-1/4" L x 4-3/4" H
  • Minimum stock length: 14"
  • Minimum stock thickness: 1/2"
  • Dust port size: 4"
  • Footprint: 18-1/8" x 38-1/2"
  • Overall dimensions: 80" W x 34-1/16" D x 40-1/2" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 1265 lbs.


  • Parallelogram table adjustment
  • Shielded ball-bearing cutterhead with grease fittings
  • Center-mounted fence with positive stops at 45°, 90°, and 135°
  • Heavy-duty cast-iron cabinet stand with noise-dampening system
  • Precision handwheel-controlled table elevation
  • Stress-relieved infeed and outfeed tables
  • 1-year limited warranty
  • Includes knife-setting jig and a pair of push blocks

Due to product size, this item must be delivered to a loading dock or unloaded with a forklift. Liftgate not available.

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