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Grizzly Industrial Forrest  H4729 - 10" X 5/8" 40T Atb Ripping Blade

Grizzly Industrial Forrest H4729 - 10" X 5/8" 40T Atb Ripping Blade

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The H4729 Forrest Woodworker II 10-inch offers a superior cut that leaves a rip-cut saw edge that is as smooth as if it had been sanded and a cross-cut edge that is almost mark-free.

The blade runs very quietly and backside tearout in plywood is negligible.

You can rip and crosscut up to 2" on your table saw with this all-purpose blade.

It has a 30-degree alternate top bevel with a 5-degree face hook.

Made with double-hardened and 40% stronger C4 carbide.

Think of a Forrest blade as a tool in your shop, not an accessory.


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