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Hand Sanders

Hand Sanders

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MARSHALLTOWN's lightweight Hand Sander can be used to sand drywall joints or for other general sanding projects. It's designed to hold die-cut, half sheets of standard sandpaper, or sandscreen. The Hand Sander has a flexible aluminum backing plate bonded to a foam pad. It comes with a DuraSoft® handle that provides comfort and reduces fatigue. Our contractor-grade QLT Hand Sanders come with a soft grip, structural foam, or plastic handle. Choose between two WAL-BOARD TOOLS Hand Sanders. The lightweight Hand Sander features a tempered aluminum base plate, a polyethylene pad, and a wood handle. The WAL-BOARD TOOLS Plastic Handle Hand Sander features a durable all-plastic construction. The plastic handle is smooth and contoured for the perfect grip. Both WAL-BOARD TOOLS Hand Sanders have a clamp design for holding several sheets of sandpaper at once.
  • Choose MARSHALLTOWN, QLT, or WAL-BOARD TOOLS brand Hand Sanders
  • MARSHALLTOWN Hand Sander features a lightweight aluminum plate bonded to a foam pad equipped with a DuraSoft® handle; designed for use with 11-1/4" sandpaper or sandscreen
  • QLT Hand Sanders are available in your choice of handle material: soft grip, structural foam, and plastic
  • WAL-BOARD TOOLS Hand Sanders come in two options: lightweight aluminum with a wood handle or an all-plastic construction


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