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Honeywell Fendall Porta Stream® I Eyewash Station - 1/EA (1587286835235)

Honeywell Fendall Porta Stream® I Eyewash Station - 1/EA

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The HONEYWELL FEND-ALL personal eyewash station holds 6 gallons of water or solution for quick emergency treatment wherever you’re working. Provides temporary relief until a plumbed or self-contained eyewash can be reached. (NOT a substitute for an ANSI-compliant eyewash station.) Flow rate is 0.4 GPM. The station is made of high-impact, green polyethylene. One motion removes eyewash headcovers and activates flow in a second. Place on a flat surface or mount on a wall with a mounting bracket (included).

Portable, lightweight and delivers 6 minutes of uninterrupted, hands-free flushing without costly plumbing. Gravity-fed flow begins immediately when the nozzle pull strap is removed. Supplied with 70 oz. of Eyesaline® concentrate which, when mixed with tap water provides 6 gals. of saline solution. May be mounted on a wall, mobile cart or mobile stand for easy and affordable safety near most workplace hazards. Nozzle strap is easily removed, leaving hands free to hold eyelids open. Large fill hole simplifies refilling and cleaning. Illustrated operating instructions printed on the unit. Suitable for nuisance situations such as dust or particle flushing where a 15-minute flushing device is not a requirement. Hi-viz green.


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200-50022-1/2" x 15-1/2"6.0 gal.all other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipEyeseyewashEyewash Tank Capacity: 6.0 gal.honeywellnomapnot canadapmax ads eyewashPortable Eyewashprisyncprisync newROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledWash length: 6 mins