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Honeywell Genesis® Anti-Fog, Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic, Scratch-Resistant Safety Glasses , Clear Lens Color - 10pcs

Honeywell Genesis® Anti-Fog, Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic, Scratch-Resistant Safety Glasses , Clear Lens Color - 10pcs

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Engineered for comfort, protection and style, Genesis delivers an incredible range of superior product benefits. Built with MMT (Multi-Material Technology) and a high level of adjustability, Genesis provides workers with extraordinary all-day comfort and raises the bar on compliance. A wraparound lens provides exceptional peripheral vision and protection. Flexible fingers conform to almost any nasal profile and reduce slippage. The soft elastomer browguard diffuses and deflects impact. You can make your glasses custom-fit with the adjustable temples and lens inclination.

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Adjustableall other productsANSI Z87.1-2010bf2023Black FramecanadacatchallshipClear LenshoneywellnomapNon-Polarizednot canadapmax ads safety glassesPolycarbonate Frame MaterialprisyncROAS 3Safety GlassessafetyglassesScratch-ResistantSpatulaspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal SizeWraparound