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Honeywell- Pipeliner® Passive Filter Welding Helmets w/ 1CR Ratchet Headgear Duplicate - 1/EA

Honeywell- Pipeliner® Passive Filter Welding Helmets w/ 1CR Ratchet Headgear Duplicate - 1/EA

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Honeywell 110-WH
For your next welding job, be sure to use the Honeywell Fibre-Metal White Pipeliner Welding Helmet for guaranteed face protection. This comfortable helmet uses a constant-fit rubber headband that allows for frequent re-adjustments as you move about your pipe welding work. Features a compact design that enables access where a standard helmet could not cover and protect.
  • Color: White
  • Lens Coating: #10
  • Mounting: Fixed Front
  • Window Width x Length: 2" x 4.25"


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2" x 4.25"all other productsANSI Z87.1-2010bf2023canadacatchallshipDark LensFiberglasshoneywellImage too smallimageresizenogooglenomapPassiveprisyncROAS 3Shades 10spo-defaultspo-disabledtyveksuitunder-200Welding HelmetsWhite