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Marshalltown PK866D Durasoft® Handle Putty & Joint Knives Stiff Putty Knife (6/Pack)
Marshalltown PK866D Durasoft® Handle Putty & Joint Knives Stiff Putty Knife (6/Pack)
Marshalltown PK866D Durasoft® Handle Putty & Joint Knives Stiff Putty Knife (6/Pack)
Marshalltown PK866D Durasoft® Handle Putty & Joint Knives Stiff Putty Knife (6/Pack)
Marshalltown PK866D Durasoft® Handle Putty & Joint Knives Stiff Putty Knife (6/Pack)

Marshalltown PK866D Durasoft® Handle Putty & Joint Knives Stiff Putty Knife (6/Pack)

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The MARSHALLTOWN DuraSoft® Handle Putty and Joint Knives offer next-generation ergonomic design and the most comfortable grip possible. The solid handle construction ensures the strongest and longest lasting tool available. You can choose between material, type of knife, length, and handle material. Some Putty and Joint Knives come with an oversized EMPACT hammering head for quick, effective hammering. Choose between three types of multi-tools: 5-in-1, 6-in-1, 7-in-1, 8-in-1, or 13-in-1. These tools are designed to reduce the number of tools needed on the jobsite.
  • Comes with a DuraSoft® handle
  • Long-lasting tool
  • Choose material, type of knife, length, and handle material
  • All 3" scraper blades have a 5-degree angle
  • Multi-Tools available in 5-in-1, 6-in-1, 7-in-1, 8-in-1, or 13-in-1
  • 7-in-1 Multi-Tool has 11/16” and 3/4” size wrenches built-in, popular for fittings on paint spraying equipment and hose connections


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2 in (51 mm)all other productsbf2023catchallshipFlex Handle w/ Empact EndHigh Carbon Steel Knifenogooglenot canadaprisyncputtykniveROAS 4shoppingadsspo-cs-disabledspo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledStiff Handle w/ Empact End