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MTM Hydro Sheath for Thermostat Probe
MTM Hydro Sheath for Thermostat Probe

MTM Hydro Sheath for Thermostat Probe

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MTM Hydro's Sheath for Thermostat Probe provides an indirect heat measurement method for water temperature control within your pressureized line. Be sure to check out additional components for a proper install of the thermostat probe. This sheath has 1/2" Male NPT threads for installation into 1/2" Female inlet and bolt for securing the Probe.

See Item #21.0091 for an inline install of the thermostat after the heated coils.

  • Max - 4,660 PSI
  • Max - 320F Temp
  • Hole Dimensions - 7mm ID width X 4" Length

  •  Related image WARNING

    This product can expose you to chemicals, including DINP and/or DEHP which is known to the state of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm, go to for more information.

    The products we sell are not intended for use in potable water systems and are only for industrial non-drinking water applications.




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