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N32-W1-DPI Differential Pressure Indicator

N32-W1-DPI Differential Pressure Indicator

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N32-W1-DPI Differential Pressure Indicator

RTi's patented Inverse-Flow® filter-dryer with all stainless steel mesh filter packing. Excellent water and dirt capture to 3 microns. ISO Class 3 for Particulate.

RTi's patented Inverse-Flow® filter-dryer with two (2) stage filter packing: stainless steel mesh and cotton/polyester. ISO Class 2 for Particulate.

High efficiency coalescer, 99.99998 % efficient at 0.01 micron, with anti-re-entrainment layer for low oil carryover. ISO Class 1 for Particulate/Oil.

BRAND Reading Technologies (RTi)
PRODUCT Differential Pressure Indicator


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