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PIG® Battery Acid Spill Kit in 20-Gallon Overpack with Neutralizer
PIG® Battery Acid Spill Kit in 20-Gallon Overpack with Neutralizer
PIG® Battery Acid Spill Kit in 20-Gallon Overpack with Neutralizer

PIG® Battery Acid Spill Kit in 20-Gallon Overpack with Neutralizer

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Our strong UN Rated overpack spill kit lets you safely clean up and dispose of battery acid spills.

  • Kit contents are formulated specifically for absorbing and neutralizing battery acid
  • PIG HazMat Socks stop spreading spills; PIG HazMat Pads and Pillows absorb; PIG Acid Neutralizing Loose Absorbent handles remaining acid
  • Includes PPE to guard against corrosive battery acid
  • 20-gallon overpack salvage drum container meets DOT shipping specifications for overpacking hazardous materials
  • Lightweight, polypropylene container resists chemicals and keeps contents clean and dry
  • Temporary disposal bags help make cleanup easier
  • Two broom holes 180-degrees opposite each other on the lid allow 100 positive leverage for easy opening and closing with a broom handle or bar
  • Foot hold in the drum base allows you to hold the drum securely in position while opening or closing the lid
  • Apply a tamperproof seal to alignment holes on lid and drum to ensure contents aren't disturbed
  • Features enhanced lid and base design for added strength and security for stacking or if the drum is accidentally dropped
  • For info on custom kits, just call 1-800-HOT-HOGS (468-4647)
  • Spill Kit dimensions are approximate
Dimensions ext. dia. 23" x 19" H
Absorbency Up to 11.7 gal.
Brand PIG
Container Type Overpack
Fluid Absorbed Acids
High Visibility No
Color White
Neutralizing Capacity Up to 51 oz.
See-Through No
Special Feature Battery Acid Spill Kit
UV Resistant No
Wheels Not Applicable
Sold as 1 each
Weight 30 lbs.
# per Pallet 12
Composition Container - Injection Molded Copolymer Polypropylene
Absorbent Mats & Pillows-100% Polypropylene
Acid Neutralizer - Polymer, Sodium Carbonate, Alizarin
Gloves - Neoprene
Apron - Polyethylene Coated Tyvek

36 - 15" W x 20" L PIG® HazMat Chemical Absorbent Mat Pad (MAT310)

1 - 17" W x 16" L x 2" H PIG® HazMat Chemical Absorbent Pillow (HR7015)

3 - ext. dia. 3" x 46" L PIG® HazMat Chemical Absorbent Sock (124CR)

2 - PIG® Acid Encapsulating/ Neutralizing Loose Absorbent (PLP802)

1 - Apron

1 - Sperian Headgear (GLS204)

1 - 15" W x 8.5" H Sperian Faceshield Window (GLS204-0001)

1 - Neoprene Glove

10 - 18" W x 30" H Polyethylene Disposal Bags (BAG201-S)

6 - 2" W x 6" L Tamperproof Seal Label (LBL100)

1 - Instructions

1 - ext. dia. 23" x 19" H PIG® Overpack Salvage Drum (PAK708-WH)

UNSPSC 47131905


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