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PIG Acid Neutralizing Loose Absorbent 1 container

PIG Acid Neutralizing Loose Absorbent 1 container

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The PIG Acid Neutralizing Loose Absorbent is a specialized product designed for safely absorbing and neutralizing acidic spills or leaks. Here’s a detailed description:

Key Features:

  1. Product Type:

    • This is a loose absorbent that can be scattered over acidic spills to absorb and neutralize the liquid. It is especially useful in environments where acidic substances, such as battery acid or industrial chemicals, are commonly handled or used.
  2. Neutralizing Action:

    • The PIG Acid Neutralizing Loose Absorbent is formulated to neutralize the acidic nature of spills, making it safer to clean up and dispose of. This helps to mitigate the harmful effects of the acid and reduce potential risks associated with corrosive materials.
  3. Absorption Capacity:

    • The loose form of the absorbent allows it to quickly soak up and contain the spill while also neutralizing the acidity. This product is designed to handle a wide range of acidic substances and is efficient in preventing them from spreading and causing damage.
  4. Container Size:

    • 1 container of the PIG Acid Neutralizing Loose Absorbent typically refers to a standard-size drum, bucket, or bag, depending on the specific packaging format. It’s designed to provide ample supply for regular use in labs, industrial plants, or other settings where acid spills may occur.
  5. Applications:

    • Laboratories, manufacturing facilities, and chemical handling areas where acids are present will find this product essential.
    • It is perfect for quickly neutralizing acid spills on floors, equipment, or surfaces and preventing them from causing further damage or creating safety hazards.
    • After the absorbent has neutralized the acid, it can be safely cleaned up and disposed of according to local regulations.


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