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PIG® Oil-Only Lite-Dri® Loose Absorbent
PIG® Oil-Only Lite-Dri® Loose Absorbent
PIG® Oil-Only Lite-Dri® Loose Absorbent

PIG® Oil-Only Lite-Dri® Loose Absorbent

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For oily spill outdoors or on your floors, our recycled cellulose, silica-free loose absorbent pulls in oils and fuels, NOT water. It's easier to lift and lighter to carry than clay - plus it's 3x more absorbent!

  • Recycled cellulose repels water while absorbing only oil-based liquids
  • Absorbent begins to work the instant it comes in contact with liquid
  • Ideal for indoors or outdoor oil spills on land
  • A great choice for use in machine shops, automotive shops, spill kits, fluid storage areas and loading docks
This product contains recycled content to help you reduce your environmental impact while you keep your facility clean, safe and productive. Get the stuff you use most, right when you need it, shipped automatically.
Recycled Content 100% Mixture of Pre- and Post-Consumer Recycled Cellulose
Absorbency Up to 8 gal. per bag
Absorbency per Up to 8 gal. per bag
Application Skimming
Brand PIG
Color Beige
Fluid Absorbed Oils; Fuels; Oil-Based Liquids (Not Water)
Unit Weight 22 lb.
Sold as 1 bag
Weight 22 lbs.
# per Pallet 54
Composition Cellulose
UNSPSC 47131902
Pigalog® Page Number Page 58


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