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Powermatic - PM1000-TKLPRK, .79” Thin Kerf, Low Profile Riving Knife

Powermatic - PM1000-TKLPRK, .79” Thin Kerf, Low Profile Riving Knife

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The riving knife rises and lowers with the blade, thus maintaining very small clearance between itself and the blade. This helps prevent rotational kickback, by keeping the kerf from binding when it has cleared the blade. The low profile knife sits just below the apex of the blade, and doesn’t require removal when doing non-through cuts. And the thin kerf feature allows the use of thinner blades to reduce kerf waste.


  • Helps prevent binding and kickback
  • Remains installed for non-through cuts
  • Rises and lowers with the blade, thus maintaining blade/knife distance
  • 0.079 inch thickness allows use of thinner blades for less kerf waste


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