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RANSBURG 76652-01 Kit for Measuring High Voltage

RANSBURG 76652-01 Kit for Measuring High Voltage

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Includes 76634-00 Multi-Function Meter and 76667 High Voltage Probe Assembly

For Guns: (Note: Make sure all grounded objects are at least 2 feet away)

  1. If measuring the voltage on an electrostatic gun, line up the hole in the test probe and the electrode. Slide the test probe straight over the electrode wire of the gun. Be sure to push the test probe tight against the nozzle to minimize any voltage that may leak into the air during the test.
  2. Holding the metal part of the high voltage probe in your hand, trigger the gun so voltage exists at the electrode.
  3. Read the voltage displayed on the meter in 30 seconds or less.
  4. Turn the voltage to the gun OFF, and pull the test probe straight off the electrode.
For Bells or Disks (Note: Ensure that the applicator is NOT rotating when contacting it with the probe. Also, to get proper readings on resistive applicators,the probe must be placed in contact with the atomizing edge of the bell or disk as shown in Figure 8. As this edge is sensitive to mechanical damage, use care when contacting it with the probe. Rough handling may cause damage to the applicator.)


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