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Sandpiper Wet End Kit for SD Non-Metallic 3" Pump: KIT, WET S30NM SN,SN

Sandpiper Wet End Kit for SD Non-Metallic 3" Pump: KIT, WET S30NM SN,SN

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476.140.654 Wet End Kit (Santoprene Diaphragms, PTFE Overlay Diaphragms, PTFE
Balls and PTFE Seats)

Kit Contents Includes:

(4) 050.039.354 - Ball, Check 4-1/2" SN
(2) 286.077.354 - Diaphragm, 3" SN
(1) 508.002.000 - PST-705 Grease Packet (5 Gram)
(8) 720.039.600 - Seal, Manifold Spacer
(8) 720.043.600 - Seal, Valve Module


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