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SAS NSX™ Turbo Safety Glasses - Gray Frame -  Gray Lens - Anti-Scratch - Sold/Each

SAS NSX™ Turbo Safety Glasses - Gray Frame - Gray Lens - Anti-Scratch - Sold/Each

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NSX Turbo™ Safety Glasses (5331) by SAS Safety®. Color: In&Outdoor. Package Type: Polybag. Thousands of people are blinded each year from work-related eye injuries that could have been prevented with the proper selection and use of eye and face protection. Eye injuries alone cost more than $300 million per year in lost production time, medical expenses, and worker compensation. Avoid eye injuries with SAS Safety selection of ANSI compliant safety glasses; NSX™ Turbo, DB2™, Diamondbacks™, Sidewinders®, Vulcan™, VX9™, Spectro®, Zion X and more.


  • Meets ANSI Z87.1-2015.


  • High-impact polycarbonate lens
  • 99.9% UV Protection
  • Scratch resistant coating
  • Single lens design
  • Lightweight wrap-around lens
  • Guaranteed to provide the ultimate in safety and protection
  • Engineered to meet severe safety standards
  • Made with quality and safety in mind

Whether you’re a safety manager, business owner, or DIY’er, SAS Safety® is here to provide you with head-to-toe safety solutions that will keep you in compliance with federal regulations and help prevent debilitating injuries and hazards at home and workplace. From protective and high-visibility wear to respirators and supplied-air systems to face shields to gloves to first aid kits, and much more, the company makes a full spectrum of products for the industrial, automotive, agriculture, and marine industries. SAS Safety has been ISO 9001 certified 2015 and utilizes ISO processes to ensure that you consistently get quality products that meet the most stringent safety requirements. Made using premium-quality materials and featuring innovative designs, SAS Safety products offer the ultimate in performance and dependability. When protection counts, count on SAS Safety!



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all other productsANSI Z87.1-2015bf2023canadacatchallshipGray FrameGray LensnomapNon-Polarizednot canadapmax ads safety glassesPolycarbonate Frame Materialprisynctoadd100324ROAS 3Safety GlassessafetyglassessasScratch-Resistantspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal SizeWraparound