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South Bend SB1097 - 6" X 108" Vs Oscillating Edge Sander
South Bend SB1097 - 6" X 108" Vs Oscillating Edge Sander
South Bend SB1097 - 6" X 108" Vs Oscillating Edge Sander
South Bend SB1097 - 6" X 108" Vs Oscillating Edge Sander
South Bend SB1097 - 6" X 108" Vs Oscillating Edge Sander

South Bend SB1097 - 6" X 108" Vs Oscillating Edge Sander

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A powerful sander with touch screen controls for precise accuracy.

Industrial strength plus ultimate convenience right at your fingertips–that was the approach to designing the South Bend SB1097 world-class edge sander with auxiliary spindle sanding table.

The 3 HP motor and digital control for variable speed will take your edge and contour sanding to a whole new level of power and precision.

The VFD inverter gives you 3-phase, variable-speed power while operating on standard single-phase power source. The VFD saves you money by increasing the efficiency of the motor and decreasing electricity use. It reduces wear and tear on the motor which extends the life of the sander.

The sanding head tilts from 0–90° allowing to edge sand at any angle on the heaviest of workpieces with the full support of the large precision-ground cast-iron table.

And you get two high-quality industrial machines in one, with the addition of an integrated oscillating spindle sander with 1-1/2", 2", and 3" interchangeable drums and auxiliary table.

Answer all of your busy shop’s edge and contour sanding needs.

For a full range of replacement belts for the SB1097, shop here.

The SB1097 manual was written by our U.S.-based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.

Parts may be available online and shipped from the South Bend parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Motor: 3 HP, 220V, 3-phase (with inverter for single-phase power), 9.5A
  • Required power supply: 220V, single-phase, min. 30A circuit
  • Sanding belt size: 6" x 108"
  • Sanding belt speed: Variable, 600–6000 FPM
  • Oscillations: 1/4"
  • Platen size, type: 6-3/4" x 39-3/4", graphite-coated
  • Sanding head tilt: 0°–90°
  • Main table size: 12" x 35-1/2" x 1-1/2" thick
  • Main table vertical travel: 4"
  • Auxiliary table size: 10" x 11-1/2" x 3/4" thick
  • Auxiliary table vertical travel: 10"
  • Dust port sizes: (2) 4"
  • Footprint: 32" x 19-1/2"
  • Overall dimensions: 60" W x 28" D x 43" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 597 lbs.


  • 2-year limited warranty
  • Sanding surfaces tilt vertical and horizontal
  • Variable-speed motor with touch screen controls
  • Oscillating sanding surfaces
  • Quick-release belt lever
  • T-slot table and miter gauge
  • 1-1/2", 2", and 3" diameter drums included


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