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T8 Front Access Industrial Fluorescent Light Fixture

T8 Front Access Industrial Fluorescent Light Fixture

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The 240 Series is a very versatile fixture that is UL listed for hazardous environments (Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C and D, Class II Division 2 Groups F and G and Class III). It is an ideal fixture for industrial applications, wet locations and task lighting. Optional adjustable mounting brackets allow for precise aiming in multiple angles suitable for most applications. The 240 Series is a standard 4 lamp fixture that is also available in 2, 3, 5 and 6 lamp options, all using a 3/16" tempered glass lens with acrylic and polycarbonate optional lenses. With multiple options for hub locations, the 240 Series can meet most of your wiring needs.

Four Foot Four Lamp Industrial Light Fixture

UL listed for U.S. and Canada
Class I Division 2 Groups A,B,C,D
Class II Division 2 Groups F,G
Class III
Listed for wet locations
40°C ambient rating except for T12
25°C ambient rating for T12
55°C ambient rating for T8 (32 watt fixtures only)

Front access fixture for hazardous locations
Hinged front door frame
Hinged ballast tray
Sturdy 18 Ga. steel white powder coated housing
Spring loaded lamp holders - standard
3/16" tempered glass lens
Zinc fixture latches

Available in wattages up to 54 watts max.
Voltages of 120, 277, 347 & 480
Through feed wiring

All Options Ordered Separately
Adjustable surface mount brackets
Cable mount
Chain Mount Kit
8' wire whip
Specular reflector
Wire guard
Fusing (not listed for Canada)
Acrylic lens
Polycarbonate lens

• MOUNTING KITS - Ordered Separately

Prep areas, Inspection areas, Sanding and Machining,
Coal dust, Grain dust, Waste water treatment plants


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