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TG-3F Set in Wood Case (1587594625059)

Paasche TG-3WC Set in Wood Case

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The Paasche TG is a double action gravity feed airbrush. The airbrush features a chrome plated body and anodized aluminum handle for durability. The TG is our finest detail airbrush allowing the user to achieve hair line detail and using the included fan head wider patterns up to 3 inches. A PTFE packing allows the TG to handle any water or solvent based paint. Clean up is as simple as spraying your paint cleaner though the airbrush and wiping of the needle. The TG is best used for those requiring high end detail. Applications including automotive graphics, models, taxidermy, cake decorating, tattoos, finger nails, graphic arts, illustration, etc. The TG airbrush is made and assembled in the USA.

TG-3W Includes:
TG#2 Double Action Airbrush, Wood Case, .4 oz cup,Cup Cover, Size 1 and 3 Heads, Fan Aircap,Hanger, (2) Wrenches, 6ft braided hose, lessons booklet and manual.

Airbrush Made In The USA
Quality Precision materials for fine detail work
Highly polished & hardened stainless steel needles for long life and reduced clogging
Solvent proof needle packing allow spraying of water & solvent based paints
Chrome plated body


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1 & 3 headairbrushAirbrush Setall other productsbf2023Body Art TattooCake DecoratingcatchallshipCeramicsChip or Ding RepairCustom Auto & Motorcycle GraphicsDouble ActionFinger Nail /MakeupGraphic ArtsGravity Feed AirbrushIllustratorsInternal MixLeather AirbrushingModel/Trains/RC CarsprisyncrepriceROAS 4Size 1Size 3spo-defaultspo-disabledTaxidermy