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Powder Coating Gun and Controller

Wagner Powder Spray Gun & Controller

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The Wagner Spray Gun & Power pack provides all the necessary components to replace a powder coating gun outfit

The Wagner Powder Coating Spray Gun & Controller is a complete system for powder coating that includes the gun, the controller. injector unit, and connector.  This setup allows you to replace any manual powder coating gun that you currently have.

Corona manual gun with an air-flushed high-performance cascade

  • Constant and reliable coating performance
  • Ergonomic and perfectly balanced gun
  • Continuous, pleasant working without tiring with a gun that only weighs 490g.
  • Control unit with a regulated air volume cycle.
  • A constant compressed air quantity despite fluctuations in the mains
  • Fully electronic control module for repeatable results
  • Saving and accessing up to 50 coating programs



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