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Warren Rupp Sandpiper HDB2 Metallic Bottom Discharge Heavy Duty Ball Valve Pump - 135 GPM - Cast Iron - Santoprene
Warren Rupp Sandpiper HDB2 Metallic Bottom Discharge Heavy Duty Ball Valve Pump - 135 GPM - Cast Iron - Santoprene

Warren Rupp Sandpiper HDB2 Metallic Bottom Discharge Heavy Duty Ball Valve Pump - 135 GPM - Cast Iron - Santoprene

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Product Description

Sandpiper HDB2,DS4CI. HDB2 Metallic Bottom Discharge Heavy Duty Ball Valve Pump

HDB Metallic Pumps are ideal for thin to highly viscous and small solids-laden fluids, while providing excellent suction lift capability and exclusive variable porting options (side, top, bottom and dual). HDB pumps are thick wall constructed of Sand Casted Aluminum, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel or Alloy C with elastomer, TPE (thermal plastic elastomers) and PTFE options in diaphragms and check valves. HDB pumps are enhanced with an extended wear package.

Recommended Accessories and Kits Sold Separately:

  • Sandpiper 476.364.354 Wet End Kit
  • Sandpiper 476.362.000 Air End Kit

Supersedes Sandpiper HDB2,DS3CI.

Please Note: Factory Mandated Surcharge Applies.



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125 PSI135 GPM2 in. NPT220°F3500-5000Air OperatedAir Poweredbf2023Cast Iron BodycatchallshipCE/ATEX/EACdiaphragmpumppmax ad diaphragm pumpsROAS 3sandpiperSantoprene BallsSantoprene DiaphSantoprene Seatsspo-defaultspo-disabled