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Warren Rupp Sandpiper S20 Metallic Top Discharge Standard Duty Pump - .42 GPM - Aluminium - Nitrile - Buna (2 in. BSP)
Warren Rupp Sandpiper S20 Metallic Top Discharge Standard Duty Pump - .42 GPM - Aluminium - Nitrile - Buna (2 in. BSP)

Warren Rupp Sandpiper S20 Metallic Top Discharge Standard Duty Pump - .42 GPM - Aluminium - Nitrile - Buna (2 in. BSP)

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Product Description

Sandpiper S20B1ABBABS600. S20 Metallic Top Discharge Standard Duty Pump

Standard Duty Metallic Pumps are ideally suited for intermittent / on-demand, portable, moderately abrasive fluids, and suspended solids. Standard duty pumps are constructed in Aluminum, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel and non-metallic materials such as PTFE, Polypropylene, and PVDF with elastomer TPE (thermal plastic elastomers) and PTFE options in diaphragms and check valves.


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.42 GPM125 PSI2 in. BSPAIr OperatedAir PoweredAluminium Bodybf2023catchallshipdiaphragmpumpNitrile - Buna DiaphNitrile - Buna Seatsnogooglepmax ad diaphragm pumpsROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled