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Burn-Off Wash Booth from Global Finishing Solutions®

Burn-Off Wash Booth from Global Finishing Solutions®

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Wash Booths
Engineered to address ash containment and secondary clean up associated with a burn-off process..

Standard Features

  • Constructed of 10-gauge steel and heavy structural steel support
  • Overhead roll-up door
  • Heavy-duty structural steel cart with track extension
  • Header and spray nozzle system
  • Manual rinse station with wand and hose for detailing of parts
  • Polypropylene roof panels for greater visibility inside of booth
  • Reservoir tank
  • Media filter baskets with handles for easy removal of ash
  • Low-solution level switch to prevent pump cavitation

Designed for the secondary cleanup of burned-off racks, hooks, fixtures, and parts. After the burn-off process, the operator transfers the load to the wash booth cart. The cart is rolled into the wash booth and the overhead doors are closed. The operator then turns on a high-volume pump, drawing ambient water from the side reservoir tank. The water is sprayed through nozzles located overhead and in each corner.

The loose ash is flushed from the surface and travels to the filtration area where it is collected for manual removal. A spray wand is included for manual detailing of the parts as needed and will require plant water tie-in for water supply. Overhead roll-up doors, located in front and rear of the booth, allow the operator to access the load for manual detailing and final removal as needed.

Options (not included)

  • Auxiliary manual power washer (2 gpm at 1000 psi)
  • Overhead hoist (electric, 2000 lbs.)
  • Turntable
  • Additional roll-up door
  • Customized cart

GFS guarantees that our products meet or exceed all of the applicable codes related to the equipment. Our engineers regularly follow and contribute to the advancement of codes and standards that affect the industries that we work in. One of our engineers currently serves on the NFPA Technical Committee on Finishing Processes, a key standard in the finishing industry.

OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration
NFPA – National Fire Protection Association
ETL – Electrical Testing Labs
EPA – Environmental Protect Agency
ICC – International Code Council

All dimensions are approximate, in inches
NOTE:  Dimensions are wall to wall and height over cart.

All designs, specifications and components are subject to change at the manufacturer’s sole discretion at any time without notice. Data published herein is informational in nature and shall not be construed to warrant suitability of the unit for any particular purpose as performance may vary with the conditions encountered.


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