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Wolverine® Advanced Fluid Module, 1/4 in Plunger, FKM ETP Seals, Chromex Coated Rod

Wolverine® Advanced Fluid Module, 1/4 in Plunger, FKM ETP Seals, Chromex Coated Rod

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Wolverine hazardous location chemical injection pumps are designed for injecting chemicals at well sites and pipelines. Explosion proof motors are an integral part of the Hazardous location pumps designed to operate in applications requiring Class 1, Division 1 rated products.

  • Easily integrated with Graco chemical injection solar powered systems.
  • Wolverine pumps reduce emissions to the atmosphere and have a greater level of control when used with our injection rate controllers.
  • Our injection pumps are designed for up to two years of operation before simple repairs.
  • Each pump features an adjustable fluid packing that lasts up to 25 times longer than non-adjustable seals.
  • All Wolverine pumps have 316 SST wetted parts, plus they are resistant against water and dust.
  • The AC and DC operated motors are rated for use in Division 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations.
  • Flow rates up to 320 gpd (1,211 lpd) and a pressure rating up to 10,000 psi (686 bar, 68.9 MPa).
  • Long-lasting seals can easily be replaced in less than ten minutes, on location.
  • Precision stroke adjustment between 1/2 in to 1 in ensures accurate injection rates.
  • HNBR, FKN, FKM ETP, and FFKM plunger packings and check valve seals can handle some of the most aggressive chemicals.
UPC Product: 00755652373988
Family Code: FAMONG
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 9.2 IN   |  23.368 CM
Length: 8.2 IN   |  20.828 CM
Width: 5.5 IN   |  13.97 CM
Volume: .24 FT3   |  .007 M3
Chargeable Weight: 5 LBS  | 2.27 KG

Technical Specifications

Type Fluid Module
Model Wolverine
Series Advanced


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