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Wolverine® ND Fluid Module, 3/8 inch Plunger, FKM ETP Seals, Chromex Coated Rod
Wolverine® ND Fluid Module, 3/8 inch Plunger, FKM ETP Seals, Chromex Coated Rod
Wolverine® ND Fluid Module, 3/8 inch Plunger, FKM ETP Seals, Chromex Coated Rod

Wolverine® ND Fluid Module, 3/8 inch Plunger, FKM ETP Seals, Chromex Coated Rod

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Wellsite chemical spillage can pose significant environmental, safety and regulatory risks. Graco Wolverine ND fluid modules are designed to eliminate chemical leaks via a flexible return hose assembly, helping you to avoid hazardous maintenance and limit environmental impact.

  • Can be assembled on any Wolverine series pump or retrofitted with 3rd party pumps.
  • Flexible return hose assembly helps return chemicals to the module's suction side if they circumvent seals.
  • Designed for quick installation and easy access to the v-packings.
  • Second set of V-packing seals add protection and keeps chemicals out of the fluid chamber.
  • Poppet style check valves for improved dosing accuracies.
  • 316 stainless steel construction offers superior corrosion resistance and chemical compatibility.
UPC Product: 00769946698701
Family Code: FAMONG
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 8.6 IN   |  21.844 CM
Length: 9.4 IN   |  23.876 CM
Width: 5.6 IN   |  14.224 CM
Volume: .261 FT3   |  .007 M3
Chargeable Weight: 5.7 LBS  | 2.59 KG

Technical Specifications

Type Fluid Module
Plunger Size (in) 0.5
Seal Material FKM-ETP
Model Wolverine
Series ND


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