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Graco GX 19 Airless Sprayer Review (Includes Video)

The Graco GX 19 airless sprayer is well priced, we review it to provide insight whether it may be the right sprayer for your painting needs.

Graco GX 19 Airless Sprayer Overview

The GX 19 supports up to 0.38 GPM of material delivery which is enough for up to a 19 thousands tip. This unit will allow you to spray up to about a latex thickness coating. The unit comes with a fine finish low pressure tip which makes it well suited for fine finish coating work. While the pump is large enough to use with latex, given the fine finish tip and hopper design, it is best suited for smaller volume fine finish spraying. This unit is perfect for cabinet finishing and smaller volume painting work. It is also priced well at $789.00. The hopper design makes it convenient for small volume spray work where your using less than 5 gallons of material at a time regularly.

Graco GX 19 Airless Sprayer Potential Drawbacks

While the GX 19 airless offers a lot of flexibility at a good price, it does have some limitations. Specifically, the tip size and 3000 PSI limitations will limit the materials you can spray. Additionally, the hopper may be a feature you like or not depending on your own preferences. However the unit does a great job spraying fine finishes, which you can see in our video review. It also worked well for latex type paint.

Overall the GX 19 is a great sprayer and does great work. For wood working and small runs of spraying It could be the perfect sprayer. For larger volume work or wanting to do a variety of work including general wall painting it may make sense to consider a unit like a Graco 395 or similar, these units can be used with a fine finish airless tip to provide similar results to what you will achieve with the GX 19 for the occasional job that you have that you need a fine finish tip.

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